Dragon Ball Z: Episode List 1. A Sheltered Boy: My Name is Gohan. 2. History's Greatest Warrior is Goku's OlderBrother... 3. This is it! The World's Strongest Pair. 4. Piccolo's Secret Ace! Gohan the Crybaby. 5. The Death of Goku! Classic 6. The King is shocked. Fighting in his Netherworld? 7. Gohan's Harsh Survival Training with Dinosaurs. 8. A Full Moon Transformation: The Secret ofGohan's Power. 9. Sorry Mr. Robot. The Tears that Disappearedin the Desert. 10. Don't Cry! Gohan's First Battle. 11. The Saiyan, Greatest Warriors in the Universe,Awake. 12. Napping on the Path of the Snake ... GokuFalls Off! 13. Keep your Hands Off! Lord Enma's Secret Fruit. 14. Sweet Seduction ... The Snake Princess' Hospitality. 15. Escape from Piccolo! Gohan and the Storm. 16. Run Gohan! Back to Mt. Paozu Where ChichiWaits. 17. The Road to Victory is a Long One. 18. The End of the Path of the Snake. 19. Catch Bubbles! The Struggle With Gravity!!! 20. The Legend of the Saiyan ... Goku's Roots. 21. Appear Shenlon! The Saiya Are About to Arrive. 22. That's Ridiculous! Saibai Men Sprout fromthe Ground. 23. Yamcha Dies! The Frightening Saibai Men. 24. Good-bye Tien...Chauzu's Sacrifice. 25. Tien Shin Han's Final Scream! His Last EnergyBeam. 26. Waiting Patiently For 3 Hours. The CandyCloud Flies. 27. Leave It To Me. Gohan's Explosion of Anger. 28. The Savagery Of The Saiyan! God And PiccoloDie. 29. Wow, Daddy! Lord Kaio's Killer Technique. 30. A Battle Beyond Imagination: Goku vs. Begeeta. 31. Now Goku! The Last Great Effort. Kame-Hame-HaX 3. 32. Battle Power Tenfold! Begeeta's Great Transformation. 33. Don't Die Daddy! Gohan's Inner Strength. 34. Hit Him, Kuririn! The Energy Ball of Everyone'sPrayers. 35. Super Saiya, SonGohan, Performs a Miracle! 36. Leap Into Space! The Planet of Hope is Piccolo'sHome. 37. The Mysterious Yunzabit...Find God's Spaceship. 38. Take off for Nameck! The Terror that Awaits. 39. Friend or Foe! Children of the MysteriousGiant Spaceship. 40. Really? That's the Planet of Hope, Nameck? 41. The Kind Aliens...A Dragon Ball SuddenlyAppears. 42. Planet Freezer #79, Bejeeta Recovers. 43. All the Dragon Balls are Found. Mr. PiccoloCan Be Resurrected. 44. A New Enemy in the Universe - Evil Lord Freezer. 45. The Ambitious Vegeta...I'm the Greatest Warrior! 46. Goku's Power is Restored! Six Days to theMilkyway. 47. A Surprise Attack! The Target is the Scouter. 48. Gohan is in Danger! The Death Warrior, Dodoria. 49. The Explosive Dodoria and the Fearsome Shockof Vegeta! 50. The Burning Escape - A Desperate Kamehameha. 51. 100 Times Stronger! The Warriors Gather atLord Kaio's. 52. Listen Up Goku! Hands Off Freezer! 53. Goosebump Time! Zabon Transforms into a Demon. 54. Protect the Planet of Hope! Kuririn PowersUp! 55. Back From the Brink of Death. The MiracleMan, Vegeta. 56. Huge Battle Power! Freezer's Plot Crumbles. 57. Goku Regains His Strength in 100G's. 58. Freezer's Secret Weapon! The Demonic GnyuCorps. 59. Bloomer's in Danger! Freezer Gets the DragonBalls!!! 60. Frontal Collision! Kamehameha and the KaioFighting Style. 61. The Ultimate Battle Nears! The Gnyu SpecialCorps Arrive. 62. Goku Approaches Rapidly! Break through Freezer'sDefense. 63. Awesome Magic or Trick? Mr. Gould is MadNow! 64. Now Rikoom! He's Bad! He's Strong! He's Unbelievable! 65. Don't Die, Gohan! Goku Finally Arrives. 66. Songoku, the Legendary Super Saiya-jin... 67. The Red and Blue Lightening Ball...Jees andBaata Attack! 68. Finally...the Clash. Commander Gnyu Appears. 69. Goku's Full Power is Awesome. 70. The Hand of Evil Closes in on the SeniorElder! 71. What a Surprise! Goku is Gnyu and Gnyu isGoku! 72. Appear Super Shenlon and Grant my Wish! 73. He's not me. Attack your Father, Gohan! 74. Gnyu turned into a Frog! Ouch. 75. One Who Has All Seven Balls...Say the RightWords. 76. Super Shenlon Brings God and Piccolo Backto Life. 77. The Birth of an Ultimate Warrior? Nail andPiccolo Merge. 78. Battle Power 1 Million -- Freezer Transforms. 79. Is This the End? Terrifying Power AttacksGohan. 80. A Sudden Turn of Events. The Warrior PiccoloArrives. 81. Piccolo's Confidence: I will Defeat Freezer! 82. We Need You, Goku! Freezer Transforms Again! 83. Be Terrified! Freezer Transforms a 3rd time! 84. Dende Dies . . . Bring out the Ultimate Power! 85. Finally...! Songoku Recovers! 86. Bitter Regret! The Proud Bejeeta Dies. 87. The Battle Begins! I'll Defeat You Myself. 88. The Second Super Power of the Clash! 89. Freezer Declares, "I'll Beat You WithoutUsing My Hands. 90. He's Not Bragging...Songoku is Wonderful! 91. Life or Death Decision: Kaio Style 20X Power! 92. A Mega Energy Ball...His Last Ace! 93. Piccolo Stakes His Life To Attack and Aid! 94. Who Survives the Incredible Power of theEnergy Ball? 95. Songoku Becomes the Legendary Super Saiyan! 96. His Rage Explodes! Avenge Everyone Goku! 97. An Attack of Evil ... Will Nameck be Destroyed? 98. I'll be the Winner! The Final Attack. 99. Shenlon! Fly Through Space! Nameck's DestructionNears! 100. I Am Songoku's Son! Gohan Returns to theBattle. 101. His Last Wish...I Will Stay On This Planet. 102. Battle to the End on a Dying Planet. 103. Pitiful Freezer Cannot Stop Shaking. 104. Goku Declares Victory...Freezer Self-Destructs. 105. The Defeat of Freeza... 106. Goku Vanishes in the Universe. 107. Warriors Z come Back to Life. 108. Garlic Junior Becomes God. 109. The Black Mist of Horror. 109. The Black Mist of Horror Part II 110. Heaven Turn's into a Battlefield. 111. Face to Face Encounter with Piccolo... 112. The War for Super Magic Water. 113. The Death-or-Alive Journey of God. 114. The Mega Vigorous Battle. 115. The World Awakes from the Nightmare. 116. The last chance, Strike Makyo planet... 117. The 101st Proposal of Kuririn... 118. The Revenge of Freeza and his father... 119. I'll stop Freeza, A Mysterious Boy AwaitingGoku... 120. Freeza Decisively Defeated! Another SuperSaiyan! 121. Hiya! It's Been awhile! The Return of SonGoku. 122. My Father is Vegita. The Mysterious Youth'sConfession... 123. Goku's new Special Attack!? Look at my instantaneousMovement! 124. I'll Surpass you Goku! ! The Warrior RaceSaiya Jin's King. 125. A Driver's License? ? ? Goku's New Ordeal... 126. Killers Without a Trace, Who are the ArtificialHumans? 127. Cold blooded #20's Path of Evil, Goku'sTransformation of anger... 128. Goku's Double Shock!! Caught between Diseaseand the Enemy. 129. Vegita's Strength, The Awakened Blood ofa Super Saiya jin. 130. The Invincible laugh of #20, DR. Gero'sSecret. 131. The Present is more Frightening than theFuture! The Questions of Trunks. 132. Pursuit Dr. Gero! Let's find the MysteriousLaboratory. 133. And the Fear Became Reality...Number 17and Number 18 Awaken! 134. Is it too late!? The final weapon to killGoku. 135. Super power with a lovely face!? No blindspot for number 18. 136. The Untouchable Man-Made Humans .. Is itthe end of the Z fighters!? 137. Piccolo's decision! His Last Resort. 138. The walking weapon of destruction! The ArtificialHumans moving closer to Goku. 139. An Evil Premonition! The Mystery That BulmaBrought Up. 140. Discovery of the Evil Egg! Trunks In Fear. 141. Against An Enemy Never Faced Before...TheSuper Namek-sei-jin is born! 142. Kamehameha!? The monster with Goku's ki. 143. The creature of hatred and destruction!It is the cyborg Cell. 144. Piccolo's regretful mistake! Cell escapedto the city! 145. The secret of Cell's birth! What's in thebasement of the lab!? 146. Goku awakens for the battle! Go beyond theSuper Saiya-jin! 147. Hurry with the training Saiya-jin! The roomof spirit and time. 148. The heaven splitting violent light beam!Piccolo vs Cyborg number 17. 149. I have been waiting for this day! The preludeto Cell's perfection. 150. The counterattack with his life wasn't enough!Piccolo has come to an end! 151. The only one remaining hope.. The silentwarrior number 16 gets up! 152. He swallowed number 17.. The transformedCell is a super gourmet. 153. I'll pound you tomorrow! Goku's challenge. 154. I'll settle everything! The new Vejiitafather and son take off. 155. Immediately going all out! Vegiita's brilliantsuper power. 156. Cell kneel! I'm the Super Vejiita! 157. The dangerous pride! The challenge to thecomplete Cell! 158. I can't make up my mind! Kuririn's maneuveringto destroy number 18!!! 159. A shock to the entire universe! Cell's evolutioninto completeness. 160. Infinite attack power! A god of destructioncalled Cell is born. 161. Super Vegiita in danger! The completelyperfect terror draws near! 162. Go beyond the limit of Super Saiya-jin!Trunks calls on a storm. 163. Save your father! Trunks' anger that scorchesthe heavens. 164. The future of despair! The man who livedthrough the hell, Trunks. 165. A weakness in Super Trunks! Cell's veryshocking statement. 166. Myth of the New World Top Martial Arts Competition. 167. Viewer rating 100%! Live coverage of thedeadly Cell game. 168. Super Power of Goku and Gohan. Incress youpower to the Max. 169. Goku's composure!? Just rest and wait forthe Cell game. 170. The relaxation of the fighters...The girlthe lie and Gohan's decision. 171. The hidden strength! When Gohan was a baby. 172. Find the Kamisama! Goku, the great instantaneousteleportation. 173. Dende Bring's the Dragon Ball's back toLife. 174. Wisely snatching the Dragon Ball's, Mr.Satan shows his stuff. 175. Prelude to the Final Battle! Mr. Satan isgoing to Fight First... 176. Here come's Satan's Army! Mr. Satan GetsBeat in one hit... 177. Goku and Cell Square Off togeather... 178. Direct Hit on Earth! Cell's Kamehameha. 179. Lose or Die. Goku's Secret Turnabout Plans. 180. The End of the Desperate Struggle. Goku'sSurrender!!! 181. Someone Who Will Succeed the Strongest!His name is Gohan. 182. Gohan get Mad: Release the Sleeping PowerWithin! 183. Small Wonders!!! Cell's Juniors Attack. 184. The Tragity of Number 16. Super Gohan'sAnger Explodes. 185. Real Power Blowup. Exploding Cell Junior's. 186. Gohan Staggers Cell with 2 Punches. 187. Cell's Perfect Body Breaks Down. 188. Bye Bye Everyone! ! ! Goku's last Teleportation. 189. A Nightmare is Reborn. . . The AbsoluteTerror. 190. From Father To Son. Goku's Spirit PassedDown. 191. The Fight is over. Thank you ? Son Goku!!! 192. I'll Be up there. Farewell with a Smile. 193. Gohan tells Chichi about Goku's death. TrunksLeaving for the Future!! 194. I'll protect the Future!!! Trunks eradicatesNo. 17, No. 18 and Cell. 195. The Strongest in Hade's. Goku confrontsthe Ginyu Force, Freezer, Cold and Cell. 196. An Assembly of fighters from all Era's...Gokuenters Dai-Kaio's tournament. 197. Hold that breath! The Goku Hurricane. 198. Goku makes it to the final round. Goku VS.Pai ku han. 199. Goku vs. Piku-han, the battle continues.What, disqualification? 200. Seven Year's since that Event!! From nowon Im a High School Student. 201. The Debut of the Champion and Lover of Justice"The Great Saiya-man". 202. Gohan's Mixed up First Date. 203. Gohan you must move quick! Save Videl... 204. A Great Theft! And the Culprit is The GreatSaiya-man. 205. Goku's Resurrected as Well!! He's comingto the Tenka-Ichi Budokai. 206. Gohan is Surprised Too. Goten's ExplosivePower. 207. AHH! I Flew!! Videl Learn's to fly. 208. Welcome Back Goku! The Whole Z Team is Gathered. 209. Your in Danger Great Saiya-man!...Guardyour-self against Camera Attacks. 210. Not Bad Little Trunks. 211. It's My Turn!!Goten's Nerves First Fight. 212. Pleasure a Hundred Times Over! The New JuniorChampion has Been Determined! 213. What Will you do Mr. Satan?? The GreatestCrisis in History!! 214. An Opponent is Drawn! Let's start the firstMatch Without Delay! 215. What's Wrong Piccolo? The Impossible nonFight... 216. Disgusting and Immortal!! The Mystery ofSupopo Bitchi. 217. No Mercy for Videl. Will the Anger BringSuper Gohan? 218. Unmasked! ! ! The Great Saiya-man is SonGohan. 219. A Sneaky plan! Gohan's power gets stolen. 220. The Appearance of Darkness! ! The Evil MagicianBabi Dee... 221. A Trap in Waiting. A Challenge from theDarkside. 222. Don't Mess with me. Vegeta's first Attackis filled with Anger. 223. Goku At full power. Take that Yaken!!! 224. A Huge Mistake! ! ! Satan VS. The 3 SuperWarriors!? 225. The Kids are Strong! A tough fight for Number18! 226. The Debut of the King of Evil. It's yourturn Gohan!! 227. The Heart of Evil Found. Doubler's goodidea. 228. The Rebirth of Vegita, Prince of Destruction!Confusion enters The Ring... 229. The Fated Battle! Son Goku VS. Vegita... 230. Wait for us Babi Dee! We won't let you continueyour Evil. 231. The Seal is Broken... The Ultimate EvilMajin Buu Appears... 232. I won't let you Be Reborn! The Kame-Hame-Hato change fate! 233. A Straight Path to Destruction!? Kaiou inDespair. 234. The Terrifying Majin Buu! It's feared ThatGohan is n the Brink of Death!!! 235. I. going to Eat You! The Starving Majin'sPsychic Powers... 236. A Warrior's Resolve!! Im going to DestroyMajin Buu myself. 237. For The Sake of my Loved one's. . . VegitaFall's!!! 238. The Nightmare continues! Majin Buu is stillAlive. 239. Videl's Struggle, Searching for the DragonBall's. 240. A Big Hope. The Kids New Ultimate Attack!!! 241. Goten and Trunks! The Whole World's Orderedto find them... 243. I Pulled It Out! The Legendary Zed Sword... 244. He's After the Western Capitol! ! ! StopMajin Buu. 245. Oh! What a Surprise!! The Super Saiya jin3 Classic. 246. Bye Bye Babi Dee! ! ! Majin Buu Rebels... 247. Incredible Ugly!? The Special TransformationTraining. 248. Bye Bye Everyone. Goku Goes back to theAfter Life. 249. Where's Gohan?? The Harsh Training on Kai-Oo-Shin'sPlanet. 250. This can't be true! The Zed Sword get'sBroken... 251. The Birth of Super Fusion, The Name is Gote 252. The Last Weapon Mobilized. Satan will savethe Earth. 253. T've given up Killing! Majin Buu's Boy ScoutPledge!!! 254. Run Away Satan! The Appearance of the evilMajin Buu!!! 255. Who Will Win?! A Battle Between Good andEvil Buu's. 256. The Impatient Destruction! The Extinctionof Humanity... 257. The Training was a Success! Your Finishednow Majin Buu! 258. I'm Really going to fight this time! SuperGotenks goes all out... 259. I did it! The Ghosts succeeded in defeatingMajin Buu. 260. Inter Dimensional escape! Super Gotenks3? 261. Have we gone too Far? ? ? ? Buu Buu Volleyball... 262. Even Greater, The Remade Gohan goes To Earth... 263. He's over Welming Buu. Gohans MiraculousPower. 264. Gohan can't be Beat! Buu self Destructs 265. Buu commits a Foul! Gotenk's is absorbed!? 266. Come Back Goku! Save the Universe. 267. One more Miracle. The Super Fusion WithGohan... 268. Vegeta's Pride and Goku's Anger!!! The Birthof the Invincible Hero 269. The Ultimate Power. Vegitto the Lethal Warrior! 270. The Dimension is Shattered! Is Buu out ofcontrol?! 271. Buu's favorite Technique!! Become Candy!! 272 Buu Fighting SSJ3 candy drop, and losing.Vegitto get's Absorbed. 273. No more fusion, Buu's Digestive system attacks. 274. Is That you Gohan? Buu's Victim's Attack! 275. Buu's inner body experience, The Great escape... 276. Where's the Exit!!!? Escape from the failingBuu!! 277. Good Bye Earth!!! Buu fall's into evil... 278. Buu get over here! Finish it off in Kaio-Shin-Ka!!! 279. Seize the future! The Big Battle over theuniverse. 280. Vegita's Hat's off. Goku, You are #1. 281. Hold on Vegita! A minute fight at the riskof life. 282. Don't tease Satan!! The original Majin Buureturns!!! 283. Vegeta's secret plan!! Porunga's two wishes! 284. Our last hope! A Really Huge Genki-Dama. 285. Big Appreciation! It's here, Everyone'sEnergy Ball... 286. Goku is the Strongest after all!!! MajinBuu is Destroyed... 287. Peace is Restored! Friend of Justice, MajinBuu!? 288. You're late, Goku! Everyone's Partying! 289. Granpa Goku! I'm Pan!!! 290. I'm Uubu. Now 10 years old, Formerly MajinBuu.. 291. To Become Stronger! Goku's Dream is to Surpassit!!