Quotes from the English Dub "So you wanna see my sword, huh?" Oh come on! I don't have to explain this one for you, do I? "Don't worry, I won't bite." Thinking about doing something a little nasty, eh Trunks? Vegeta: "What are you looking at?" Trunks: "Oh, it's nothing, it's just that I...like your [pink] shirt." Vegeta: "You WOULD." My my my, what is Veggie-san implying!? *gasp* (when talking about who survived the Android attack in his future) "....that's my master..Gohan." "M-M-master"!? Wow, Trunks, you sure are a kinky one! *shivers just thinking about what sort of incidents would result in Trunks calling Gohan his "master"* "Father...you're so tough and proud, hard and cold like a rock. But still, deep down, your heart beat like mine does. I know you feel....I'm your son. I'm your son, and I will always love you." I know I love this quote to death, but when you think about it, it makes ya wonder how Trunks is thinking about his dad. "tough....hard", hehehe...ok, I'm stretching it a bit for this one. =P "Shut-up! You don't know how powerful they are!" Trunks would no best, since he probably got a crack at both #17 & #18! "You know that the sword doesnt makes the man" AGAIN with the swords!? *sigh* "I'm sorry, I can't do that. I know, it sounds strange..." Sounds like he doesn't 'want it that way'. "Goku, could I talk to you alone, just the two of us?" YES!!! I knew it, I knew! it! Trunks and Goku would just make the damn cutest couple, wouldn't they? Finally, Trunks is making his move! Trunks: "Could you turn into a Super Saiyan? Please Goku!" Goku: (after transformed) "There, are you satisfied?" Trunks: "Yes, I am!" Ohh la la, there's just something about knowing that Trunks is 'satisfied' that's just so yummy. =P "You're good, No. You're Great!" *lights up cigarette* Yes, I know. (To Goku): "Those same moves turned Freeza into cold cuts." What moves would THOSE be? (Goku to Trunks) "Yeah well, your heart just wasn't in it this time." You know I'm a sap for these Goku X Trunks moments. =P Come on, you can take that the wrong way if you try rela hard! "Come on, come on, don't give out on me now!" .................crap, if you need an explanation for this one, I think you'd need a talk with your mommy and daddy about them birds and bees I've been hearing so much about lately. Bulma (to Baby Trunks): "Yajirobe has your pants!" Now what in the name of cheese is that Yajirobe doing with Baby Trunks' pants?! EWW!! Child molester! To Bulma: "Sure, go for it." Gah! *gag gag* How incestuous! To Cell: "Come on, show me what you got!" Cuz we all know that you wanna see what Cell's got, right Trunks? Let's see what that big green man has to offer, woo hoo! To Cell yet again: "You want me?! Come and get me!" Damn, now Trunks is playing hard-to-get with Cell. Screw those Trunks x Goku quotes, I think our lad now has something going on for that hunka hunk of Android love! "Please Krillin, just swallow this!". Damn it boy, when you start demanding sexual favors from bald, nose-less midgets, you just know it's about time to get laid. "Oh no, I shouldn't have done that! Now I'm spent!". *insert heavy breathing and huffing and puffing here* Mr. Popo, referring to Trunks and Vegeta who are in the Room of Spirit and Time (err..."Hyperbolic Time Chamber"): "I hear strange noises coming out of the room". Trunks!! Leave your daddy alone! I thought I told you not to touch him there! Cell, to Trunks: "I can have Vegeta any time I want. But right now I want you." Dat's right, even super evil guys want a piece of our boy! A preview for the next episode of DBZ: "Trunks and Cell get it on! On the next episode of DragonBall Z!" Self-explanatory. But isn't that just a lovely image that springs up in your mind? :P "Gohan, you HAVE to let me do this!!" Do WHAT? Ah, the mind boggles at the possibilities. "Oh no! My mom's back! Don't tell her about this, please Gohan!" Holy....Trunks and Gohan are doing naughty things when mommy isn't around! It's so devilish, I can hardly stand it. Trunks: "Mom, I think I'm going to do it." Bulma: "Don't rush, Trunks!" Well, you can never have enough incestuous quotes. ^_^ "Father, stop! We have to wait for Goku!" You know it wouldn't be a good threesome without Goku! "No, stop! Wait a minute, Krillin!" .....'I...I...have to take a breather!' *pant pant* Trunks to Bulma: "Dad went all out! Cool huh?" Yeah.....mondo cool. *faints* "I've been hanging out with Goku, remember?" As always, I'm a sucker for Goku x Trunks wanna-be situations. Damn my over-active, yaoi-saturated imagination! #17 (in regards to killing Trunks): "...we'll be blowing a week's worth of fun." Ah, that Juu-chan...always wanting to have "fun" (have I mentioned I'm a sucker for Juunanagou x Trunks pairings?) Cell to Trunks: "You too will be a part of me." *begins singing the Spice Girls song "2 Become 1* Trunks to Cell: "I know how you get your kicks, Cell!" (see above quote for "how" Cell gets his kicks) "Hey Mom, what's shaking? Oh, I still see you're playing with your toy." Shaking + toy = vibr....don't make me say it! Man Trunks, that's not the sorta thing you wanna walk in on. "Gohan, you're amazing!" Wow, Gohan really is Trunks' "master". Trunks, in regards to Gohan going SSJ2: "He's changed, as if he's suddenly become a man!" Ohhh baby, Trunks made a real man outta Gohan, eh? Vegeta to Trunks in the Time Chamber: "Are you scared?" Trunks: "Ummm, of course not!" (Trunks thinking to himself): "I can't let my father see that I'm scared..." This is your first time, is it not, Trunks-chan? To Vegeta in the Time Chamber: "Its hot in here...Its overwhelming" Vegeta: "Yes, it is!" Hot, steamy, passionate incest. You know where it's at, baby! Goku: "Are you satisfied?" Trunks: "Yes. I am." Do you REALLY need an explanation from me? Trunks to Androids: "Does that thrill you? It'll be your last joy ride!" Ride it, cowboy! Giddy up! Trunks, about Vegeta: "He's a cranky guy, but he's impressive." Translation: "He may not like he when I pull on his hair and whip him, but he's impressive in bed." Trunks, to Gohan: "...you know what I'm going through!" It's called "puberty", son, and it's not pretty. Trunks, to Goku: "Well this time, I won't stop." Goku: "As you wish." *making animal noises* "Oh yeah, Trunks, don't stop! Harder, harder!" Hmm..that was rather blatant, wasn't it? I apologize. "I think that's what my mom saw in my father, and that's what I see too." ..."and what I see is...*smacks up* like a 'long, sharp sword.'" Chibi Trunks, to Gohan: "Now, let's go have some fun!!" Child Pornography = Legal in DBZ. Chibi Trunks, to Gohan: "Bye, Gohan! Come back and play anytime you want!" Ohh, sounds like Chibi Trunks needs a "playmate". Freeza to Trunks: "I've never met anyone who laid it on quite as thick as you!" Hearing this makes me want to sing the classic "Pour Some Sugar on Me." (hey, there's a music video idea for ya! Ohhh, DBZ yaoi...) King Kold, to Trunks, about his "sword": "Remarkable craftsmanship..." - Dammit, hasn't everyone and their uncle commented on this line? Please, there is nothing for me to contribute to. :P King Kold to Trunks: "Without your sword, you are nothing!" Yes, and I think I would apply to males all over the world.... Trunks to King Kold: "You should know that the sword doesn't make the man." Sorry toots, but I'd REALLY have to disagree with you right there. Perhaps Trunks can prove his manhood in another way? .......nah. (in regards to Vegeta): "He's a cranky guy, but he's impressive." Translation: "He's great in the sack, but ooooh, I get so mad when he doesn't wanna cuddle!" *New* Cell: "Hmm, I wonder what Trunks has to offer me..." All he has to offer is his manly looooove. *New* Cell: "Well done, Trunks! I see you've learned all of Vegeta's moves! Now, let me demonstrate how to do them properly." Like father, like son....in the sack! *New* Cell (to Trunks): "You are as headstrong as Vegeta, but soon you'll be wishing your head was stronger!" *insert adolescent snickering here* 'Head was stronger', tee hee hee! *New* Cell (to Trunks): "That's it, take your time. I want you at full strength." Take it nice and slow...slow and hard...uh uh uh. *New* Cell: "You're too slow, Trunks. You'll have to do better than that." But, but, but! Cell just said in the above quote, 'take your time'! That Cell can't make up his mind as far as Trunks is concerned! *New* Cell (to Trunks): "Are you finished yet, or are you going to get up and entertain me some more?" Gasp, now after all that Cell wants MORE from Trunks! What an interesting turn of events. *New* Trunks (to Vegeta): "Don't... do it!!" Yes, don't do it!....up....the..butt...*walks away* *New* Trunks (to Krillin): "I need you to take my father to Master Roshi's house so he can recover." Because banging your dad all night is a good basis for recovery. *New* Trunks: "Cell! Step away from Vegeta and face me!" Jealous, are we? *New* Trunks (thinking): "I must keep Cell's attention away from my father!" Heh, VERY jealous. *New* Cell (to Trunks): "You have a strong fighting spirit; I will enjoy draining you of it." Ooh, fiesty. *New* Krillin: "Trunks, alone with Cell?! I dont like those odds at all!!" And after all those quotes, nor do I. *New* Gohan (to Trunks): *grunts and moans* "Here, swallow it, Trunks!" Watch the fun as the imaginations of Gohan x Trunks fans everywhere run riot. *New* Gohan: (to Trunks): "That's it, Trunks, you're doing it! That's it, Trunks, don't be afraid! Let it go, let it all go!!!!!!!!!!!!" *Trunks screams* God, this sounds too much like a porno. *New* Goku: "You're a fine young man, Trunks." I always thought so too, Goku! *New* Vegeta (to Trunks): "Quiet boy! Our training is not to be discussed, NEVER!" .....'and ESPECIALLY don't tell your mother!' *New* Goten: "Hahahahaha...." Trunks: "Look at you, you're loving it" ! Goten: "Yeah!" Trunks: "Ok, lets do it!" You GO, boys! They're loving it reeeeal good. Quotes from Japanese DBZ/GT "This is menswear, and I'm a man!" Why is he emphasizing the fact that he's a man? Is he trying to prove something? "I guess it wasn't just the sword after all." Damn, what is it with these sword quotes! "The only good thing about this is that Mom and Dad won't see me in drag." .....Needs no explanation. ^_^ (To Freeza and King Cold) "You're up next." The boy has got a LIST of conquests! (also to Freeza and King Cold) "Unlike Son Goku, I will show no mercy." Meow! From the Japanese DBZ movie, "Super Warrior Clone! I am the Winner!!" (Krillin tells Trunks and Goten he'll take them for lunch.) Trunks says "If you don't, though, you know what we'll do to you." Oh, I'm dying to know what he'll do to him! Probably something eeeevil. Goten: "Trunks, do you want to bathe with me?" Oh COME ON! As if you couldn't tell Goten and Trunks had it going on! =P "Go forth, my Goten, and prepare the candy!" 'MY Goten'?! Oh my goodness! Combine that, and the mentioned candy, and we've got ourselves a kinky scenario ready to go! During DBZ Movie 11 and a dog licks Trunks, Trunks says: "Now Goten, stop it!" ......O_o What makes Trunks think that Goten would lick him!? My my, what a kinky 8-year-old. Dang, I never realized how "close" Goten and Trunks really are. In Movie 12, Trunks says to Goten: "You can rest later!" ......."you can rest later, BITCH! Gimme some sweet loving down! Doggie style!" "This is hard" I'll bet it is, honey, I'll bet it is. In Movie 7, Trunks says: "No matter how much you try, you can NEVER match Son Goku's strength!" As we all know, Trunks would be the best judge of "Goku's strength", nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more! From Movie 7: "Goku, this place is dangerous! There's people everywhere! Let's go to the abandoned Polar Region to the North!" Hot digity, if Trunks wants to be alone with his lover boy safe from prying eyes, he must be really ready to be givin' Goku some wild lovin' or something. Tenshinhan to Trunks in DBZ Movie 9: "Trunks, don't hold back." Trunks: "OK!" Give him *everything* you've got! Don't be pulling any punches, now! From DBZ Movie 11, Goten to Trunks: "I'm always stuck down here." *cough* Even *I* can't think of a snappy remark for that one! *New* Bebi Vegeta to Trunks: "Now, Trunks. Today is your new birthday........as my manservant." ....and since today is his birthday, Bebi Vegeta shall give him a leather cat suit, a whip, feathers, whipped cream, and fuzzy handcuffs! Quotes from the English DBGT Final Bout Video Game "I have to gather my strength here!" I'll bet! "What's wrong? Are you done already?" *ROTFL!!!!!* "You're gonna give it all you got, huh? I'm not so easy!" *cracks whip* That's right! Trunks is a wild animal that's hard to be trained! "WHEW! I not only surpassed my father, but Goku too! Wow!" Incest is best, put your father to the test.... "WHEW! Finished!" Hard day at work today, Trunks? "You're amzing when you dont hold back, Goku!" I swear, there is *something* going on between Trunks and Goku, I just know it! "I wanted to see how strong you were, Pan." Pan x Trunks. That's just too obvious. =) "You're tougher than I thought. I shouldn't have been so careless." It would seem he got quite the workout. If anyone has any funny and horny sounding Trunks quotes from the manga or anime, please send them to me and I'll post them here.